Monday, July 9, 2007

Its been a while since i update my blog. My results will be out on wed 12am.. i'm so scared and nervous about the outcome. Maybe becos of that, i had nightmares!

I dreamt of someone close to me tried to kill my sister. Shoot her in the head and threw her off the roof...but she manage to escape her death... i nearly cried and screamed!!.. woke up telling myself it will never happen... went back to sleep and had another bad dream... dreamt someone stole my bag.... manage to find the thief by calling my cell and faking a employment coy and nearly got exposed by the crook and just in time my alarm rang and woke me up.

then i sms my sis.... worried about her safety... asking her to be careful.... i was so scared!! i still am...

then emma's mum coming so i start clean the kitchen. emma help me wash the dishes and cups but she didn't do her part for sweeping & moping the floor. she only cleaned her room.. damn... dun tell me i have to do it?! i did that chore last week. ( we rotate the chores each week) sickening...

sometimes she is really lazy. she can continue stuff the rubbish bin till the lid cannot be closed. kylie sometimes does the same! Don't they know what is called "throwing the bag when its full??!!!" Apparently they don't. I have to do that all the time. I am so pissed off about it! Everytime i come home, they bin will be there stuffed with rubbish. ARGH!!!

I have to live with it for another year. I'm obligated to do it as i'm staying under other ppl's house. She dun cos her mum owns the place... She is what i call " A little princess" as she is only 18 going 19. She is still the 'baby' in the house. Jen deal with it....

ok. all i have to say for now...tired.. time for bed!

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